Jonathan Carlson
Last updated: 2001-08-25
We believe there is a need for a special kind of web application that would encourage Christians to pray intentionally and regularly. This web application would allow people to manage a list of their personal prayer items as well as stay connected with the prayer needs of missionaries, ministries, pastors, churches, friends, and family.
If you have any interest in being involved in this effort (that includes praying for it) please read the rest of this page and check out the Project Prayer Items page to see if there is something you would be interested in helping with or supporting in prayer. This is a rather ambitious project and it won't go anywhere without a lot of prayer and support from others.
Please sign up for the IPN
announcement list. Occasionally we will send updates on what is happening
with the project. We covet your prayers.
There are two equally important goals for the IPN site
First, to encourage people who want to pray more intentionally and regularly to develop that habit as well as encourage those who already are in that habit to continue. This encouragement could come in several forms.
- Most importantly, having a record of answered prayers to look back upon and praise and thank God for is very rewarding and, more than anything else, perpetuates the consistent habit of prayer.
- Perhaps find other ways of encouraging site users (prayer partners) to set goals for regular prayer and to achieve them. Ideas in this area are needed.
- Eventually the site should be part of a portal to the internet to encourage partners to make it their browser's startup (home) page. The portal options should center around prayer but could have some news and other non-prayer related options as well (like e-mail, etc).
Second, to better connect missionaries and ministry organizations with their prayer partners. Mission/ministry organizations are key to the success of this web site since they will be an important means of getting a critical mass of prayer partners using the site.
The IPN site would meet these goals by...
- allowing prayer partners to keep a personal prayer list and track how God has answered their prayers.
- allowing prayer partners to subscribe to the public prayer items of their missionaries, ministries, friends, and family.
- allowing prayer partners to log on and have an intentional prayer session by requesting random prayer items. These prayers would come from the users personal prayer list and from the public prayer items of his/her subscribees.
Below are some demo pages. The links to other pages work, but the buttons don't.
Motivations behind the Intentional Prayer Network:
- Prayer is/should-be an important part of the life of every Christian.
- Many of us are haphazard in our prayer lives. We rarely just sit still and pray for a period of time. Praying on the run is good, but it shouldn't replace intentional, quiet times of prayer.
- It is often difficult to remember the requests of our friends and missionaries when we are praying because we so often pray on the run.
- People are encouraged when they know that others are praying for them.
- People with prayer requests sometimes need prayer quickly. Missionary and ministry prayer letters are usually several weeks old by the time they get to their prayer partners.
- Too often we don't remember to thank and praise God for the prayers He answers.
Core Requirements
This is a simple Use-Case to give a deeper explanation of how it will work.
- New prayer partners must sign in by choosing a login name and password.
- Prayer partners can enter personal prayer requests and label them private or public.
- Organizations can enter public prayer requests.
- Prayer partners can subscribe to the prayer items of organizations or to the public prayer requests of other prayer partners whether they be missionaries, ministry organizations, pastors, friends, or family.
- Prayer partners sign in as often as they can and start a prayer session.
- Each prayer session starts with a Psalm to encourage praising God, then a page prompting confession, then a page prompting thanksgiving.
- The prayer session then shows a page each for a number of random prayer items.
- The user can then mark their personal prayer items as answered with an explanation of how God answered it.
- Or they can mark the prayer item as being "prayed for" so it won't come up again until they have exhausted their prayer list.
- Or they can mark a completed prayer item as "Prayed for--come back soon" when they have especially urgent prayers.
- Answered prayers show up for a limited time as "Praise and Thanks" items during the subscribees prayer session.
- Prayer partners can go to their "Praise and Thanks" page to see all of their answered prayer items (personal and subscribed prayer items the partner has marked as "prayed for").
Additional Possibilities
Comments - Add your comments here
Technical stuff: Design Pages